Find DNS records

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Find DNS records

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About Find DNS records

You can use Web Tools Tech's FIND DNS RECORDS online tool to determine the DNS (Domain Name Server) of a given website.

About Find DNS records

There are millions of websites that are live and operational on the internet. They are hosted and managed by web servers located across the globe that are managed and hosted by these servers. It is virtually impossible to find a website and where it is being hosted unless you have a directory, for it is virtually impossible to search for a website without it. A DNS system is one of the largest digital databases in the world for the internet. It contains information about all the websites in the world as well as their domains. The IP address of every website and every computer that connects to the internet is a digital address that is assigned to every website and every machine. DNS records are the data files that tell a web server what to do when a search browser requests a website. They are stored in this database along with the domain name of a website.


DNS Records details

The DNS record is referred to as a ‘mapping file’ in computer jargon. When a web server receives a request from a user to visit a certain website, the request is sent to the DNS database. As a result of this database's searches, it is able to locate a website's IP address and forward it to a server that requests it. The server that requests this information is then able to use the IP address to search for the website and display it to the user who initiated the request.

It is important to keep in mind that DNS records are composed of letters. There are many letters that form the DNS syntax. Some of the most commonly used DNS syntax is; A, AAAA, CNAME, CNAME, MX, PTR, NS, SOA, SRV, TXT, and NAPTR.


DNS Syntax Explained

In the DNS Record, the 'A' stands for 'address' and represents the IP address of a website. This is the most basic type of syntax used in DNS records.

This is an IPV6 record which maps the hostname to a 128-bit IPV6 address created by the 'AAAA' record.

CNAME is an acronym that stands for 'conical name' and is used to associate a subdomain with an existing DNS entry.

The ‘MX’ stands for mail exchange and is the name of the server that handles mail exchange.

'PTR' records are pointer records that map an IPV4 address to a CNAME record. The 'PTR' record is called a pointer record.

It is important to note that the "NS" record stands for 'name server' and it identifies the server on which the domain is hosted.

This record stores information about the domain, such as the last time the record was updated, and other information that is important to the domain.

This record indicates which TCP service is provided by the domain by the "SRV" record.

With the 'TXT' record, the website's administrator is able to insert any text that he or she wants into the record.

What is the purpose of looking at DNS records and why do you need them.

Webmasters and SEO specialists find it vitally important to look up the DNS records of any website they are interested in viewing. These records give you information regarding any website that you might be interested in viewing. You can find out the IP address of a domain by looking at its DNS records. If you know the structure of IP addresses, you will also know in which country a domain is being hosted, and by knowing the structure of IP addresses, you will also be able to determine where a domain is being hosted from. A IP address is assigned in much the same way as a telephone number, so we are aware that every country has its own telephone number followed by a city code, followed by the actual telephone number. It is important to note that in order to make an international call, you need to dial the international code, the area code, and the actual number. IP addresses are also assigned in a similar manner.

When you are viewing a DNS record, you also get a lot of useful information and such as the addresses of any subdomains that are associated with the domain. Moreover, you will be able to see when the domain was last updated, how often it is refreshed, and so on.

If you are a webmaster or SEO, you might want to check a competitor's DNS records and see where the website is being hosted from and other information about the website. DNS records are somewhat of a useful tool for webmasters and SEOs when they are setting up or managing a website.


Where can I find DNS records?

The best way to find DNS records of a domain is to use an SEO tool that will fetch and display these records for you. To accomplish this, you need to go to from your search browser, then scroll down the icons until you see the ‘Find DNS records’ icon, and then click it. It is also possible to go directly to the tool by copying and pasting into your search engine.

Once you are on the site, type in the domain name of the website whose DNS records you want it to fetch. Pressing the submit button will return the DNS records for that domain in seconds. This will allow you to see all of the DNS records for a domain in one place. Once you have viewed all the DNS records, you will be able to determine the IP address in the ‘A’ type record. You will also be able to find out what other records are listed on the list, such as the ‘NS’,’ ‘SOA’,’ ‘MX’, and ‘TXT’.

Having this type of information contained in a DNS record can be of great assistance in determining the environment in which a domain operates as well as all the parameters that govern a domain's performance.

Besides the Google DNS lookup, you can also do a DNS whois search and dig DNS records. In case you need help, you can learn how to use the lookup to find an IP address if you need any assistance.



If you are planning to use a web hosting service, you must get to know the IP address of your website and the additional services provided by the web servers for your domain when you decide to use a web hosting service. The DNS records of your domain are important for SEO and webmasters. You can ask your web hosting service provider to improve the internet service if it is slow or if the refresh rate is slow.

There is no way for a website to function without storing its DNS records within the DNS database which contains all the information about the website a user wants to visit.

All web servers use this server as part of the process of processing a visitor's request, and it directs them to the correct location. In a situation like this, a website owner might decide to switch web hosts and move the domain to a better service. In the event of signing up for a new hosting account, the first thing that will happen is that the DNS records for the domain will be updated when he or she signs up on the new hosting servers.

It is impossible to operate a website on the internet without DNS records.