Server Status Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Server Status Checker

Enter up to 100 URLs (Each URL must be on separate line)

About Server Status Checker

You can check the status of your favorite website by entering the URL in the below HTTP, HTTPS server status checker tool. The test tool can perform a real-time check on the URL using our online HTTP status code checker tool.


If you need to check whether the status of a website is offline or online using our HTTP Server status codes testing tool, you will be able to do so. Every single time your browser requests a website, status codes are returned, so when there is an issue, your browser will send you a message such as "Something isn't right along with a 404" error code.

Regardless of whether you are a webmaster or a search engine optimization specialist, you should regularly check the server status of your website. In Web Tools Tech, you can run a free test for each or bulk URLs on your website.

There is the option of putting up to 100 URLs into the test tool if you are interested in checking HTTP status codes that your browser may not normally display for you. The test tool will display the HTTP status codes of each single website in a separate line. Each of these server status codes has a different meaning. Listed below are different HTTP response codes for different servers and their meanings:


The Understanding Of HTTP Status Codes

  • A status code of 200 means that your server was able to respond to your request for content for the URL that you requested. This is a good thing.

  • 301 status code: This means that the URL requested has been moved permanently and that all further inquiries should be directed to the new location as soon as possible.

  • 302 status code: As a result of the server finding a temporary redirection, this URL should be used again for the next time since the redirection is only temporary.

  • 307 status code: There is a similarity between a Temporary Redirect and a 302, since it is a temporary redirect, which means that the same URL should be used for the next time you request it.

  • 400 status code: A Bad Request simply means that the server was unable to understand what you were trying to do.

  • 401 status code: Unauthorized means that you are not going to be able to access the content without authorization from your server

  • 403 status code: Forbidden means that the server will not show you the content, regardless of authentication.

  • 404 status code: As you probably know, the 404 error code is a common and frustrating error, and might even be what you are checking for with this Server Status tool. The 404 error code tells you that the file you were looking for was not found. Search engines need a 404 if they are to determine which URL is valid and which is not.

  • 410 status code: It is similar to the 404 error. It is a way of letting you know that the URL you were looking for was once there, but has since disappeared.

  • 500 status code: Another frustration that must be directed at your web host or system administrator is an Internal Server Error. This means there is a problem with the server you are using.

It is easy to figure out the reason for a URL not being operational or down by examining the error code that is returned when it is visited.

Your website might be down as a result of one or more of the errors that were mentioned above. In such a case, you will need to contact your website hosting service provider so that the problem can be resolved.

A simple yet useful tool that can be used to detect if your website is down should be on the must have list of any SEO or webmaster who is trying to get their website back up and running. By using it, you will be able to know exactly what the problem is, and how to fix it.


What is the best way to use the Server Status Checker Testing Tool?

The server status checker tool is a handy and easy-to-use tool that lets you check the server status of an unlimited number of sites. The server status of a particular site lets webmasters know whether that site is working correctly. Here are the instructions to use the test tool:

It is recommended that you enter one URL per line in the text area that appears.

It is very important that you click on the 'Check Now' button to verify the URLs that you have entered. Each URL can be one or up to hundred.

It will run a test and display the results along with the possible status codes that will appear against each domain name that you have entered into the test.

If your website goes down, you should keep an eye on it regularly using a server status checking tool, and take immediate action whenever your website is down.


There are many reasons why it is important to monitor server status on a regular basis

You can’t ignore the fact that as your website grows, you need to become involved in its operations in order to make sure it is in good shape. It is possible for certain aspects of your website that generate the most income, such as your hosting server and network performance, to fail unexpectedly if you fail to monitor them.

There are multiple benefits that can be derived from consistently monitoring the status of your server

  • By utilizing a testing tool for server status monitoring frequently, you are able to detect any errors occurring at the time of server startup and prevent smaller issues from becoming larger ones in the future

  • In case necessary software or hardware updates need to be performed, provide an advance warning.

  • It helps to have continuous monitoring of your server. Having important updates installed significantly reduces the chances of malware and spam getting onto your server.


What is the best time and reason to use a server status checker for webmasters?

Whether you are a website owner or a website manager, you must periodically check the status of your websites' servers. It is also possible that you are a internet user who is experiencing problems connecting to your favorite websites. If that is the case, you can also use any free utility for checking the status codes of these websites. Whenever you see these https status codes, you ought to understand them. If you own a website or if you are a developer, you must be familiar with them. A webmaster can make use of HTTP status codes to fix website configuration errors in a timely manner by using the information they contain.


SEO is influenced by HTTP Status Codes and Errors

During the crawling phase of a website, search engine bots are reading HTTP status codes and determining whether or not your website's pages should be indexed in a search engine based on these status codes.

Your website has a HTTP status code of 100 - 200, which means that everything is functioning properly on the server.

A 400 response code or a 500 response code may prevent search engine bots from crawling and indexing important pages on your website, signaling to search engines that your website is not a quality site, and as a result of this, your website rank may decrease.